
Dipping Into New Photography.

I was recently asked by a friend of mine to shoot her while skateboarding. As a landscape photographer, I thought it would be a fun challenge! I sometimes shoot portraits of people when asked, but never really a moving target. I set up my camera to the settings recommended for shooting action. Then, started shooting and playing around with my settings some more. I got a few decent shots but was never really happy with any of my shots! I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my photos and I see every flaw, even in my best shots. 

I think my biggest struggle is not really knowing exactly what part of the trick to capture. So I just started letting my shutter go and seeing whatever photo my skater (Janthavy) liked. Then, I kept trying to shoot that exact part of the trick. Overall, this is a very challenging type of photography for me because of all the motion and not knowing exactly what to capture. But I do love a new challenge and I am excited to get better at it!